Script Clarification
Wow. While I was gone yesterday I heard some crazy rumors flying around, so let's set the record straight.
We don't (and never did) plan to rewrite Act II. The script you have is for the most part a completed, done deal. We've talked about improv-ing or stretching some key moments and this is still the plan. Have patience, because it'll come out of our time together in rehearsal. The key to our improv efforts is to thoroughly understand the strength of the script we've got before we move to build on it.
I'm not sure where the rewrite rumor started, but I'll try to provide some details that might help you out.
When adapting (changing/blending) texts, you need to get permission from the original writers. We secured permission from everybody but the newest translation. Since I'd been speaking to him right along, I had every reason to believe he would be comfortable with our request, so we moved forward with the script. Had he changed his mind and not given us permission, we would have had to revise some of the choral odes to remove his text. We got some fantastic news from the playwright this week, who whole-heartedly endorsed our efforts to adapt his text and offered to help us fine-tune and work through the ending, which can be tricky to stage. It turns out good ol' district 181 media services blocked his emails. He had no idea we were still waiting for his reply until I contacted him again this week.
I hope this clarifies anything floating out there. As always, when questions come up, come bakc to the source and ask. The strength of our show rests on the positive, creative energy of our cast and crew!
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