Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Birds Soundtrack Comes Together -- and by Birds I don't mean Byrds

It's late. Matt and JenJen just left A100. I am so jazzed with our extremely productive music meeting tonight. We've pulled together sound ideas, put them down on paper, and basically orchestrated the script. We also burned a swatch mix-tape so that the chorus and musical birds can hear our ideas -- and create their own sound.
The influence is heavily Matt's, but as usual what I appreciate is that he also helps me to articulate what I'm thinking. We often find ourselves on the same wave lengths, even though we often start from pretty unique perspectives.
Working with Matt and Jen is a pretty rewarding experience.

So, what might this production sound like?

Our inspirations:
Henry Rollins spoken word
Blue Man Group
Amiri Baraka (phenom poet) as recorded on the United States of Poetry
Silly 80's pop icons
Scary war music: Saul Williams -- not so much his rap, but the darker, edgy sounds

Thanks, Matt, for introducing me to Saul Williams and yes... umm hmm... Blackalicious too.


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