Friday, December 30, 2005


Link to our rehearsal calendar here. Should be updated fairly regularly... BHS Drama Calendar

The big dates are of course the LAST WEEK in January, where we'll be fine-tuning and making sure we can set the entire thing up in less than 10 minutes. I'll expect full cast and crew rehearsals during the last week in January. If you want to ride along to Detroit Lakes, expect to be @ the theatre for the set construction Saturday, and several nights the last week (January 22-January 28).

Contest date/location: Saturday, January 28 in Detroit Lakes. If we perform honestly well, section finals are Saturday, February 4 in Alexandria, and then State is Thurs/Fri Feb. 9-10th in the Cities.

Set Needs

We need to locate the following: If you've got it, feel free to comment here or mention it at rehearsal.

  • 4 matching white patio chairs. If they don't look plasticy, all the better, but we'll go with what we can get.
  • 2 cocktail tables
  • maybe a pair of matching white marble or stone looking planters. The plastic white preformed ones work great for this. We'll stick some shrubbery in these -- if we've got some of that as well, great.
  • Whatever else Matt the genius dreams up.
  • Oh -- Maybe a funky palm frond (hee hee)
  • Oh -- maybe the ocean and a rocky cliff (also hee hee)

  • I do have a file of images, but if you'd like to know where we're playing, and the look and feel of the Antilles, go ahead and GOOGLE!

Costume Needs

let's use this as a "to do" list of sorts -- feel free to update it!
These are just design-like thoughts -- our reality may be different, but this is how I see our characters -- feel free to open up a dialogue on this (Albrecht, I think that [insert character] is more [whatever], and must wear a [feather boa]...)

NEWLY ADDED (1/9/06): Ladies -- check these out! ebay search
too expensive (mostly) and lots already sold out (argh) but worth a peek: vintageous clothing
  • Ladies: late 1950/early 1960 party dresses.
    Specifically --
    Ann: most conservative, button downed of the group
    Helen: button down coordinated, with some "fun" accessories (she doesn't know who she is!) -- "what's this paradise all about?"
    Sally: most JC Penny-ish (new money, not old style money) dress. Wants to jump into Paradise, afraid of paradise
    Alice: trendy, hip 1960
    Elizabeth: wilder, could be a print, or (my preference) lots of gypsy-like flowing gauze chiffony-material. The idea that Elizabeth is a gypsy at heart keeps coming back to me.

  • Gents: late 1950/early 1960 dinner jackets. White button shirts, thin ties, jackets in varying colors from cremes to lights henley blues or tans. See for sure James Bond -- impeccable in what we're looking for. Here's a catch -- the gent's look should somehow compliment their respective lady's dress (women typically coordinated these things back in the day)
    Stylistically --
    Chuck: Buttoned down and ready to be promoted. If E has a print, does Chuck's tie match?
    JB: we can go one of two ways -- either a less masculine look, or something that is completely detached from the wife's outfit. Either way, this couple doesn't match up -- neither should their outfits.
    the Colonel: we could go with a formal military jacket (they had dinner jackets for formal occasions), or we could go with the goofy Noreiga Panamanian shirts (short sleeved with a funky cut, usually in a cream color and never tucked in.)
    Oliver: tastefully dressed, probably in cremes with definately with a tie (although do we want to go through the looking for a creme jacket headache again, Logan?)
    Peter -- straight laced and most conservative of the bunch, but with the tie and collar loosened by the time we meet him on stage.

Check out these links for immediate ideas:

American Vintage Classic dresses 1960's
American Vintage Classic dresses 1950's

American vintage shirts

SOHO show @ geocities
Costume Gallery