Handout distributed soon for one-acts
Plans are underway for the one-act.
Before we make casting / crew decisions, I thought it would be wise to see who is interested and / or available [duh, Albrecht!] and decided to start with the most recent show … Please look at the dates/rehearsal plans below and get back to me if you’re interested in acting and/or tech. The cast looks to be about 2-3 ladies and 4-5 guys. No final casting decisions have been made, and the script is fabulous but still up for some tinkering, since Ms. Thurber hasn’t approved it yet. JenDens is going to help us out (direct and some tech), essentially directing through the first half of January. Sara may also assist, since the script is her fantastic effort. I’ll jump back in to help fine-tune and keep us going in the last two weeks before competition after JenDens returns to college.
Important dates:
- [sub] Section Saturday January 27 --
- section finals Saturday Feb. 3 ---
- State one-act Friday Feb. 9
- if we rehearse on a weekend, it would be the weekend prior.
- CLC is considering hosting a one-act festival Jan. 20, which may also be fun.
Newest details:
from http://bhsdrama.jconserv.net/index.php -- the place where we post all drama stuff.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:55 pm Post subject: The director has
spoken...And here are our initial plans, straight from Dens herself...
>From: densx003@umn.edu [mailto:densx003@umn.edu]
>Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 12:37 PM
>To: Audra Albrecht
>Subject: RE: >
>Plan of action: I'll be home late on the 18th. We can start practice any time after that...like the 19th. I'm gonna be gone the 27th-30th and the evening of Jan. 5th. I'm thinking about three hrs/day over break with some additional tech things (yes, actors/techies will need to pitch in with some tech for us to pull this off) in there too.
9-12 every day for actors but not on xmas day. Once school starts, two
hrs/day after school and since >I have basically nothing to do all day
besides read and do origami, I can do things during the day like tech and such and it will be sweet. >It would be nice to have casting complete and scripts out by Friday.[note: Dens means scripts out by this Friday (Dec. 15) -- so those of you interested in the one-act need to let me know this week. --- ]
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