Monday, September 25, 2006

Rehearsal schedule week of 9/25

Here it is, kiddies:

Monday 9/25 -- pgs. 1-29 pre-Goldie. Bring your full attention, your peg legs, your iambs and maybe your p's and q's.

Tuesday -- the crazy day while Alb is out professionally collaborating with colleagues. Kim's in charge. She may bring some of Nina's old "discipline methods." Seriously. Kim's in charge. [this is my best guess on times... ]
Focus: fun with the text, flow, enunciation, and oh who knows?
1:15 - 1:45 Basil/Dewey work through (many times) beginning, pg. 33-36, end
1:45 - 2:15 Norma/Luella pg. 28 and anything else you care to muddle through.
2:15 - 2:45 Darlene / Dewey / Melvin pg. 46-49
2:45 - til we're done pg. 49-57 -- this includes:
Basil / Ferris / Buddy / CC / Norma / Luella / Goldie
Please run this last section a few times and in a few different flavors.

Wednesday -- a quick game for everyone and then pg. 29 - 61

Thursday -- Act II pg. 63 - 83

Friday -- a quick game and then Act II pg. 83 - 106

It's your responsibility to check your script -- if you're not reading lines, you're welcome to come, but it's not mandatory that you stay for the entire rehearsal.


At 9/25/2006 9:29 PM, Blogger M.Cummings said...

alright I have my concepts and they are as wacky as usual. So far the designs are the world from buddies perspective. Involving imaginary (but real) walls. On top of that, all props and objects will be in thier simplest form ie. a ballwill be a sphere, a cup will be a simple a cylinder, etc.
The concepts still need the go ahead from Alb.


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